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Pubblicazioni relative al software Repute Basile, F. (2003). Analysis and design of pile groups. In Numerical Analysis and Modelling in Geomechanics (ed. J. W. Bull), Spon Press (Taylor & Francis Group Ltd), Oxford, Chapter 10, pp 278-315. Abstract In his 2000 Rankine Lecture, Professor Atkinson has emphasised the importance of considering soil non-linearity in routine design. For pile group problems, this issue has not yet been satisfactorily addressed, and current design practice is still generally based on linear approaches. The main drawback to the application of linear models to pile group problems is that they ignore the non-linear load-deformation characteristics of soil and hence misrepresent the forces in piles, specifically by giving higher stresses in group corners. The cost of this in practice is high and there is an urgent need in industry for efficient non-linear analysis methods. An attempt at removing these limitations is represented by the load-transfer approach which is the most widely adopted technique for the non-linear analysis of single piles. However, this approach suffers from some significant restrictions when extended to pile group problems. A more practical non-linear approach for the analysis of pile groups under general loading conditions (i.e. vertical loads, horizontal loads and moments) has recently been proposed by Basile (1999) and some further developments and applications of the method are described in this chapter. A review of available computer programs for pile group analysis is presented, including some applications in both the linear and non-linear range. The critical question of estimation of geotechnical parameters is addressed, and attention is focused on correlations between these parameters and commonly available in-situ test data. Finally, attention is turned to the application of available numerical methods to practical problems involving real soils. A number of published case histories is considered, and the predictions from selected methods of analysis are compared with the field measurements. Cliccare qui per scaricare l'intero articolo (formato PDF). |
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